Mi hija es astronauta
Claudia Valdés
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About the Book
This is a book written with a lot of heart. Written by a mother who has had the strength, determination and dedication to investigate everything within her reach and more, in her efforts to make the life of her daughter better.
The work that Claudia has done for Lucía is moving and exemplary. She has broken all the predictions. Some doctors said the girl was not going to walk. Others that she wouldn't talk about either. Lucía has been jumping all those barriers, like a rider on the back of a spirited, almost winged steed, which is her mother, Claudia.
And everything that Claudia has done—what she has lived, experienced and learned on this long journey—she wanted to put into these pages, as a teaching, a guide, an encouragement, a consolation for other mothers and fathers who have seen overwhelmed by the arrival of an atypical son, as if their world was collapsing.
And Claudia, in this book, tells them that is not the case. What that experienced and compassionate neurologist told us that afternoon, we share with the parents who are in the same situation: “what Lucia will do in life, only she will demonstrate.”
In a way, that is the message of this book.
We don't know the limits; We only know from experience that with a lot of work, a lot of passion and a lot of hope, true miracles can be worked.
Life is a mystery, and the human brain is as big a mystery as life. The same specialists confess that in some aspects they do not know everything. And that atypical children, even if they seem limited, can achieve achievements that at first seem impossible, thanks to hard therapeutic work and the support and understanding of a collaborative family always determined to turn difficulties into challenges.
It is not an easy path, but nothing worthwhile in the world has been easy. Sometimes you cry, other times you get frustrated and sometimes the slope seems too steep, but there are also moments of immense joy. A joy so great that parents of neuro-typical children will never be able to experience. Simply because they have never seen it so difficult, so far away, almost impossible. And then, when the goal is achieved, it is as happy as the achievement of a miracle.
This is a book to tell many fathers and mothers, do not give up, do not get tired, do not believe it is impossible, and above all, remember that it is not for you, it is for your child. And you'll see how much it's worth.
I have witnessed that miracle that Claudia, with enormous enthusiasm and determination, and of course, with the help of many people, has been achieving. And she continues to achieve. Because the path is infinite. And what Lucia will be, only Lucia will tell us.
Enjoy this book and fill yourself with faith.
Alexis Valdes
(Lucía's dad)
Audiobook Duration
hours and
Kindle Pages
Hardcover Pages
Claudia Valdés
At the age of 7 she debuted as an actress, as the protagonist of "Lejos de Africa". She later participated in children's programs for television until at the age of 13 she entered the ENA (National School of Art), where she studied for 4 years. Among her cinematographic works are: "Los Dioses Rotos", "Larga Distancia", "Mañana", "La edad de la peseta", "The Tainted Touch", "Chico y Rita" and more recently "Club de Jazz". In the theater she has worked as a producer and actress in several works, among which are the successful comedy "Oficialmente Gay " by Alexis Valdés, and "Felices los Cuántos", by the same director, in addition to "Los vecinos de arriba", by Cesc Gay, "8 Mujeres" , the musical "El Club de las divorciadas", "Baño de Luna", by Nilo Cruz, "Hierro", by Carlos Celdrán among many others. This is her first book.
Disclaimer: This is a third-party book that we recommend based on our work experience and decided to share with parents and caregivers. NeuroDverse is not responsible for any issues, during or after the sales process of this book, please verify all details with the seller and contact them if you have any questions about the book.