Get to Know Our Services
We offer ABA services in person in the Miami-Dade area, and remote anywhere in the world. We focus on children under 7 years old and we guide and train caregivers willing to help their children to improve skills out of therapy sessions.
What is ABA therapy?
Based on the science of learning and behavior, applied behavior analysis (ABA) therapy is a data-driven style of therapy that has been empirically proven. To increase positive behaviors and decrease negative or disruptive ones that hinder learning and independence, developing tailored treatment strategies for each child that will be trained during contrived or natural environment activities. Since we believe children's lives should be full of play and fun, we make our ABA Applied Behavior Analysis therapy fun by teaching trough play whenever possible. Play during ABA therapy means the child is having fun and learning!
Is ABA right for my child?
In short, ABA is a safe, highly beneficial therapy when provided by a certified and highly skilled therapist. ABA is a therapy that your kid could benefit from it if:
Have difficulty with communication and social interaction.
Experienced challenges in preschool or elementary school settings.
Experienced challenges during learning activities.
Does not focus on activity or is not able to complete it independent.
Have a hard time with transitions and deviations from the usual routine.
Does not accept other's point of view.
Does not identify and communicate their basic emotional states.
Does not follow directions or instructions.
Can label shapes, number and/or colors but could not say "mom or dad".
Exhibit challenging behaviors such as aggression or self-injury.
Can you get ABA without Autism?
This is a valid question since ABA have been proven to be a highly effective therapy for kids under the autism spectrum. And the answer is Yes, ABA therapy can be extremely effective for all type of kids to increase communication, socialization, independence, daily living skills and prerequisite skills for school.
Child Therapy
Our individualized ABA therapies are built on what children do!
Our Board-Certified Behavior Analysts will conduct an initial assessment to assist them in developing a treatment plan that is completely tailored to each child. This treatment plan will concentrate therapy on areas that will assist them on reaching their full potential. Even though each plan is unique to each child, we typically focus on progress in the following development areas:
Functional Communication
Expressive & Receptive Language
Behavior Reduction
Independence & Daily Living Skills
Social & Group Skills
Academic Readiness

On each session will be treated the areas of improvement detected on the assessment, following the stablished plan.
Session will range from 2 to 5 hours based on the need of the particular child and the associated treatment objectives your BCBA and you have developed together. This implies they might require up to 40 hours of ABA therapy every week if needed.
Should be in person.
The Therapy can be conducted by a RBT, BCABA or BCBA. And will be weekly supervised by a BCBA.

Caregiver ABA Coaching
Although parents play a crucial part in the ABA Therapy process, some families could find the Applied Behavior Analysis principles to be challenging to comprehend. In the end, ABA is used to teach autistic people the necessary skills for success in any setting.
Our parents education and training extend beyond the child's immediate family to any extra family member or caregivers who are responsible for the child's regular and routine care. This aspect of treatment delivery is planned and arranged specifically for each child and family. Our parents education and training consider the goals and values of the family as well as the dynamics of the home.
sessions include
Practice of Therapeutic Skills
Protocol Implementation
first contact
We understand is normal to be disoriented when trying to help our child to improve on certain areas or when they get an Autism, ADHD or any other diagnose. So you can book a first contact appointment with us, and we will help you with guidance on what to do, where to go and possible steps you can take to start helping your child as soon as possible.
There is not compromise with us, we will try to guide you as best as possible depending on your case on what to do and possible next steps.
Will be remote.
This First Contact will be with a BCBA.

Working improving behavioral skills with children has an important part where parents should participate to continue working with the children when therapists are not present. We provide training to parents and caregivers to work with the children by themself to reach the goals determined during the assessment.
Parents typically attend 8-16 sessions with a therapist and learn strategies to help their child. Sessions may involve groups or individual families.
The therapist will meets regularly with the family to monitor progress and provide support. Between sessions, parents will practice using the skills they've learned from the therapist. As a result families will experience improved behavior and reduced stress.
Can be in person or remote.
The Training will be conducted by a BCBA.